New Advanced Treatment for Fibroids

Fibroid removal is a surgical procedure that removes the fibroids from the uterus. This procedure is typically done under general anesthesia. A doctor will cut open the lower abdomen to remove the fibroids and sew the uterine muscle back together. Recovery after this procedure is usually quick. Patients can usually return to work or normal activities within one to two weeks. hop over to these guys  Access Vascular Health Offers Radiology Services in Houston 

Fibroid removal can be done using several methods. One option involves injecting a substance directly into the fibroids, which usually causes them to shrink and stop producing estrogen and progesterone. This procedure is less invasive than other methods and can be done in a doctor’s exam room. The substance used is known as an embolic substance and is used to kill the fibroids.

There are several risks associated with this surgery, including reduced fertility and decreased receptivity to pregnancy. Fibroids can also block the fallopian tubes, affecting embryo implantation and fetal movement. Fortunately, they rarely affect the fetus during pregnancy. However, they can increase the risk of preterm delivery or Caesarean section.

Another option for women considering surgical treatment is hysterectomy. This is the most effective surgical method and is guaranteed to prevent fibroids from returning. While it is a significant risk, it is often the only option that can completely eliminate fibroids. A woman should decide if this option is right for her before choosing the surgery.

Another risk of fibroids is excessive bleeding. Some patients experience bleeding after myomectomy, which is a serious complication. If you have anemia, you can take blood blockers or boosters to decrease your risk. During myomectomy, there is also a risk of uterus rupture, which could destroy the reconstruction work.

Other surgical options for fibroids include freezing, heating, and radiofrequency energy. However, these methods are not as effective for small fibroids. They may also affect a woman’s fertility, so it’s important to discuss any possible risks with your doctor before undergoing surgery. If you are considering a hysterectomy, you should consider all the available options before making a decision.

If you have multiple fibroids, your doctor may recommend a myomectomy. This surgical procedure removes only the fibroids that cause symptoms and does not affect her ability to get pregnant. In this procedure, the doctor removes the fibroids through an incision in the abdomen. After this procedure, you may experience some menstrual bleeding. However, the pain and discomfort caused by fibroids is gone.