Guide to Hiring a Great Land Surveyor

When hiring a Land Surveyor, it is important to ensure that you are getting the best value for your money. The cost of hiring a Land Surveyor will depend on their years of experience, as well as their level of expertise. You should find a company that offers a variety of services at various prices, and ask about the costs of additional services. If you’re looking for more tips, Houston Land Surveyor Association has it for you.

If you are planning to build a house, you will want to hire a Land Surveyor. A land survey will help you ensure that you are not building on someone else’s property. Trying to build on a piece of land that isn’t yours can lead to a costly mistake. Before you sign a purchase agreement, be sure to include this contingency. Most purchasing agreements require a land survey.
A land survey can cost anywhere from $50 to $500 per acre. The cost will vary depending on the size of your lot, the number of corners, and other factors. For large parcels, the cost will be higher than for small ones. Depending on the number of corners on your property, you may need more detailed maps.
Another reason to hire a Land Surveyor is to avoid zoning violations. These violations can result in legal action if you don’t follow the rules. You may be unaware of zoning restrictions until years after the fact, so it’s best to hire a professional to make sure you don’t do anything illegal.
When hiring a Land Surveyor, consider their level of expertise. Not all surveyors are the same, and a new one can take longer to complete your project than you expect. You also don’t want to hire a survey crew that doesn’t have the experience necessary to solve problems on the fly. A more experienced crew is more likely to be able to handle more complex jobs and will know where to look for survey markers and boundary evidence.
The rates for hiring a Land Surveyor can vary by region and among professionals. If the land parcel is larger than five acres, you may need to pay per square foot or by the hour. In some areas, you can expect to pay as much as $50 for each additional side. Additionally, you should expect to pay additional fees if your property is irregular in shape or dimension.
Lastly, hiring a Land Surveyor can help you avoid problems related to construction or development. For example, a Land Surveyor can make sure that fences are placed on the right location and that they do not encroach on your neighbor’s property. With a Land Surveyor, you will have accurate plot depictions and technical information.