Orthodontists Chronicles

If you are interested in becoming an orthodontist, you have many options available. You can choose to be a full-time employee or to work as a part-time associate. Orthodontists have various responsibilities, including managing patients, reading patient records, and treating occlusion problems. They may also teach assistants how to perform various orthodontic procedures.If you’re looking for more tips, orthodontist Lincoln has it for you.


An Orthodontist is a dentist who specializes in treating patients with dental problems. He or she will examine the position of teeth and correct misaligned bite patterns. They may also work to alter facial growth. There are several different types of orthodontics. Some are more specific than others. Depending on the condition, orthodontics may include other types of dentistry.

Some common problems that orthodontic treatment can correct are overcrowding, underbite, and anteroposterior deviation. These conditions affect the way we bite, affect our speech, and affect our ability to keep our teeth clean. An orthodontist can realign teeth so they meet correctly and protect them from future damage. Other problems that can be corrected by an orthodontist include impacted teeth, which happen when an adult tooth fails to emerge. Another common problem is an overbite or deep bite, in which the upper teeth protrude more than the lower teeth.

When you visit an orthodontist, you will likely receive braces to correct your misaligned teeth. The process is similar to that of visiting a dentist. Once you are checked by the desk clerk, you will be led to an examination room. Your orthodontist will then examine your mouth and determine if you need any additional treatments.

In some cases, orthodontic treatment will require multiple visits. These appointments will include an assessment, preparatory session, and the placement of braces. You will also need to have regular checkups during the course of the treatment, which usually lasts one to three years. A consultation with an orthodontist is necessary to determine if braces are right for you.

As with any dental specialization, an orthodontist needs specialized training. This education is not easy to get and may require two years of training. After graduation, orthodontists are expected to have two years of experience practicing orthodontics. An orthodontist must have a dental degree.

An orthodontic specialist should have at least a doctor of dental surgery degree. He or she must have completed courses accredited by the American Dental Association or other accrediting body. In addition to this, an orthodontist should have extensive knowledge of dental appliances and molds. Experience with hand tools is also necessary.

An orthodontist’s role is to diagnose and treat problems associated with teeth alignment. In some cases, an orthodontist may be responsible for repairing orthodontic appliances. In other cases, an orthodontist may be responsible for providing the complete treatment. Orthodontists may work with general dentists to provide certain treatments.

The most common orthodontic device is a fixed appliance. This type of appliance is used when precise positioning is important. This type of appliance can be used in conjunction with a normal diet, though you must avoid carbonated drinks, gum, and sticky foods. In addition, special gum shields may need to be worn if you play contact sports. A fixed appliance consists of bands and wires that attach to the front teeth.

Contact Info

Schoettger Orthodontics
8000 South 13th Street
Lincoln, NE 68512
Phone No. : (402) 423-8000