QC Kinetix Marietta- A Summary

A number of treatment options are available to patients suffering from chronic joint pain. If you’re looking for more tips, QC Kinetix (Marietta) has it for you. Common pain-relief medications include anti-inflammatory drugs (DMARDs) such as ibuprofen and paracetamol, which can be taken orally or applied to the affected joint. More severe cases may require stronger pain-relieving medications, such as biologics, which provide a targeted response to inflammation. Other treatment options include steroid injections into the joints, which can reduce swelling and pain. Some dietary supplements may be useful as well.

Symptoms of joint pain vary between people, and they can be caused by sports injuries, arthritis, or even an underlying disease. They can affect one or many joints in the body, as well as the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones that connect them. Some joint pain can also be referred, which means it is felt elsewhere in the body. For example, a person with a slipped disc in the back may experience pain in his or her legs, which is called sciatica.

Physical therapy can help relieve joint pain and restore joint strength, stability, and flexibility. In some cases, your doctor may suggest arthroscopy or joint replacement as a joint pain treatment option. Other pain-relieving methods may include ice packs, heat therapy, and stretching. Resting and elevating the affected limb may also be helpful.

If you have chronic joint pain, physical therapy may help you get back on your feet and resume your daily activities. A physical therapist can prescribe specific stretching and strengthening exercises to restore your strength and range of motion. A knee brace may be recommended to assist with function and stability. Some people can manage their joint pain at home, including alternating hot and cold treatments to ease stiffness and inflammation. A heated blanket can also provide comfort for a stiff joint during the night.

A physician may prescribe additional imaging tests or laboratory tests to confirm a diagnosis of osteoarthritis and rule out other medical conditions. An X-ray may reveal bone spurs or damage to the joint. A magnetic resonance imaging scan may also be recommended to determine the location and extent of damage to the joints and tendons.

Some doctors use a variety of methods to treat joint pain, such as injections and physical therapy. If lifestyle modifications are not enough, joint pain treatment may involve a total joint replacement. This procedure involves removing the affected joint and replacing it with a metal, plastic, or ceramic implant. This implant is designed to mimic a natural joint. However, it does require a period of rehabilitation to ensure that the joint can function as it should.

In addition to exercise and a healthy diet, a physical therapist can help relieve the pressure on joints by strengthening the muscles around them. Weight loss is also an important part of joint pain treatment. Exercise can help by reducing the amount of pressure on the joints and improve the range of motion. Physical therapy may also include ultrasound therapy or electrical nerve stimulation.

Contact Info

QC Kinetix (Marietta)
780 Canton Rd NE, Suite 200
Marietta, GA 30060
Phone No. :  (770) 285-8026