Why It’s Important to Perform Air Conditioning Maintenance

Whether you have a new air conditioning system or one that’s been around for years, you should always perform maintenance on your unit. Not only does this help prevent breakdowns, but it can also improve the performance of your unit. You may find more details about this at ac repair near me

The first thing you should do is check the thermostat. If it doesn’t seem to be working, this may be a sign of a problem with the heating element or the heating cycle. It’s important to have the thermostat set to “cool” rather than “heat.” This will help avoid a spike in electricity costs and will keep the air in your house a more comfortable temperature.

Next, inspect the ductwork. If there are any clogs, this will reduce airflow and cause uneven cooling. You may need to have the ducts cleaned or re-linked. You’ll also want to check the electrical panel for problems. If you see any tripped breakers or fuses, this could be a sign of a problem.

The air filter is another component of your system that you should check. It’s located in the furnace blower compartment or the wall-mounted return air grill. If it’s dirty or clogged, you’ll want to replace it as soon as possible.

Another common AC problem is a refrigerant leak. Symptoms include a spike in your energy bill, warmer air from the registers, and a frosted coil. A professional AC repair service will be able to detect a leak and help you get your system back into shape.

An air conditioner’s most important component is the compressor. This is the heart of your air conditioner and it is responsible for maintaining the right temperature in your home. If your compressor has stopped working, this can be a dangerous situation. A professional AC repair technician can repair it, and also help you prevent ice formation in your AC.

Another common AC problem is a broken fan. You may hear a strange buzzing or hissing noise when the fan is running. This may be caused by corrosion or excessive wear. If it’s noisy, it may be time for some maintenance.

The air conditioning unit may also be missing a vent. If there is no vent, there may be a problem with the compressor or the fan. You should have the vents opened to check for obstructions.

Finally, you should make sure you get your AC system serviced at least once a year. This will help ensure that your system is running as smoothly as possible, and will also prevent surprises in the colder months. You should also check with your local HVAC contractor for maintenance and repair specials. You may also want to see if you qualify for a cost-saving program.

The air conditioning unit is a major appliance in your home, and regular service will help prevent breakdowns and reduce the chance of a surprise malfunction. The best time to schedule your AC maintenance is in the fall. You should also check your local contractor’s license and licensing paperwork for any licensing requirements.